Features of protocol (diplomatic) translation

Experts of the highest level are allowed to work on diplomatic translation english to bangla. We can say that these are not just generalist translators who can convey the meaning of a speech delivered in a foreign language, but diplomats, historians and simply intellectuals with a broad outlook. Why is that? Let’s figure it out.

How to translate the speeches of diplomats?
To begin with, let’s touch on the requirements specifically for the implementation of translations, and not for etiquette and everything else:

Accuracy. You can not, as in some other situations, just try to convey the meaning. Details are very important in diplomacy. It is necessary to try to translate as accurately as possible so that a politician who listens to a specialist in the field of languages ​​can catch the nuances in the opponent’s phrases, and, perhaps, some hidden meaning.
The translator must be able to memorize long speeches in any language, and then, when the speaker pauses, convey everything correctly. It is unacceptable to interrupt a participant at some official high meeting, clarify something with him and ask him again. Although situations are different. Maybe, for the sake of the main goal, it is worth clarifying something.
The translator must know not only the “classical language”, but also its other variants. For example, many of the legal terms used in the UK originated in the US. “Oxford English”, in this case, will no longer work.
It can be added to the previous one that it does not hurt for a translator to know different dialects. For example, Arabic has many branches. If you stick to the “classics”, then you can translate incorrectly, moreover, say something funny or funny.
A diplomatic translator must be an intellectual. Here we can recall the memoirs of the famous specialist Viktor Sukhodrev. In an interview, he said that high-level American politicians love to quote the Bible. If the translator does not know the text of the Holy Scripture, then he can interpret the phrase in a rather funny way. Here you can pay attention to our politicians, who like to “wrap” something purely Russian. For example, the well-known Putin: “flies – separately, cutlets – separately.”
In general, as already noted, a specialist should be of the highest level. The problem is if the interpreter knows a foreign language worse than the participants in the event. He immediately becomes distrustful. So, for example, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrei Gromyko could outdo many “interpreters” of his time.

Additional requirements
A translator working in the diplomatic field must, among other things, know the protocol well, comply with all rules and regulations.

It is debatable whether a specialist should exert any political pressure if he acts as a representative of one of the parties. Probably not. In most cases, the translator does not have to do this. Although, practice knows different examples.

Is it worth talking about the requirements for the dress code ?! Obviously, you need to dress strictly and tastefully, but discreetly. At the UN, for example, representatives of the profession in question are given special uniforms. Design is not done by anyone, but by famous fashion houses, in particular, Dior.

Russian translators working in the diplomatic field are all part of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The best teachers constantly work with them. Activities are carried out not only to improve language skills, but also in other areas: psychology, general intellectual development, political science, etiquette.